Lower Dean Community Woodland

In 2019 Michael Braithwaite gifted the Lower Dean as an amenity for the village of Denholm and a haven for wildlife.

“The ancient woodland of the Lower Denholm Dean has been transferred to community ownership thus ensuring future generations can continue to benefit from this rich resource.”

A condition of the gift was that all the Sitka Spruce trees be felled and replaced with native broadleaf trees.
UPDATE December 24
Now that all the saplings have been planted in Zones 2-4 we will be concentrating in January on attaching the numbered discs onto the stakes. Tommy Mulvee has already engraved 150 oak numbers and will complete engraving the 120 birch and aspen numbers shortly which is very generous of him.
 We also need to clear the brash from Zone 1 so that it can be planted in the spring. 
Previous updates..

Planting started on Tuesday 5th November in the Lower Dean by local volunteers and Borders Forest Trust volunteers. Primary School pupils and Playgroup carried on the following day. . Planting in Zones 2-4 should be complete by the end of this year. After that numbered discs will be attached to the tree stakes so that sponsors can identify their tree if they want to. Aspen and Birch trees are still available for sponsorship.

The Sponsor an Oak appeal has been so successful that the oaks are all sponsored but we are extending it to include Birch and Aspen. Birch is a beautiful slender tree with silver bark bringing light and life to new woodlands.

Aspen is known for its trembling leaves and its unique sound in the forest.

To help cover the cost of replanting and to create a fund for future maintenance, you are invited to become a sponsor by donating £10 for one tree or more for additional trees. If you are able to help in this way, please download and complete the sponsor form (on the right) and send it to any of your friends or family you think would also help.

Your name and sponsorship number will be on the Lower Dean page of the Denholm Village website - unless you wish to be anonymous. A number on the tree guard will identify your tree.

Lower Dean Map Sign


Lower Dean Braithwaites

Photo: Neil and Antony Braithwaite unveiling the sign..


Dean Felling

This photo, taken at the second bridge, shows the aftermath of the felling of the Sitka Spruce.


Dean drone pik

drone shot

Dean signage on the Green

Primary School kids planting

Kids from the Primary School learning how to plant young saplings